Author: John Gribbin
Publisher: Penguin
Pages: 346
However, several concepts are clearly spelt out. An example is the elucidation of the second law of thermodynamics, which is also called “The Supreme Law of Nature”. Heat always flow from a hotter object to a cooler one, states the law. This creates an arrow of time in which processes can occur only in one direction. Though physical processes are time invariant, meaning that they happen in the same way, even if time is reversed, the second law defines the direction in which time flows.
Parsec, the unit of measurement of distances to stars is clearly explained. Since the radius of the Earth’s orbit is 150 million km, observations made 6 months apart, from opposite sides of the Sun, are at the ends of a baseline 300 million km (2 AU) long. It is a matter of simple geometry to calculate how far away a star would have to be, in order to show a certain parallax displacement across such a baseline. One parallax second of arc, or parsec for short, is the distance to a star which would show a displacement of 1 second or arc from opposite ends of a baseline equal to the distance from the Earth to the Sun. A parsec is a little more than 30,000 billion km, and is 3.26 light years.
Distance to other distant stars are galaxies are made with the help of a class of stars called Cepheid stars which vary in brightness. These pulsate, swelling up and then shrinking in upon themselves, repeating the process over a regular cycle during which their light waxes and wanes. There is a unique relationship between the brightness and period which holds true for all cepheids. This helps to fix the brightness of a distant star. The name is derived from Delta Cephei, which was one of the first identified as a variable.
One of the issues which had puzzled me for years was why powerful telescopes were always made with mirrors instead of lenses. Gribbin clears the issue with one shot. Bigger lenses are bent out of shape by their own weight, whereas mirrors are advantageous because no light is passing through, the back can be supported by a frame work to hold the mirror in shape.
Edwin Hubble postulated in 1929 that the universe is expanding and the expansion is proportional to distance. The constant of proportionality is called Hubble’s constant. Since this value changes over time, some scientist prefer to call it Hubble’s parameter. George Gamow and Ralph Alpher established the Big Bang theory in 1940s to explain the origin of the universe, which was improved by Alan Guth, with his inflationary model.
Overall rating: 3 star (How apt to rate a cosmological book in number of stars !!).